公司简介 The Company 北京医大爱思唯尔教育科技有限公司(简称医大爱思唯尔),是北京大学医学网络教育学院携手全球最大的医学科技信息出版商爱思唯尔共同构筑的医学专业培训机构。医大爱思唯尔是北京大学医学网络教育学院的实体运营单位之一,是专业从事医学远程继续教育的公司,致力于提供最高质量的继续医学教育,真正满足国内医务工作者提高专业技能的需求。 医大爱思唯尔立足北京大学医学部雄厚的师资力量,汇聚数百位医学专家及学科带头人,充分引进爱思唯尔国际领先的医学发展数据信息和管理经验,根据课程交互程度的需要,采用“网络为主,卫星、面授为辅”的现代远程混合教学模式,灵活设计开发高质量的培训课程,面对医护工作者开展全面的远程继续医学教育与培训,包括CME学分课程、全面的综合医学培训、专项培训以及多样的定制培训,并提供贴心的学习支持服务,为学习者提供专业、便捷的学习、交流平台。 基于母公司10年的医学远程教育经验积累,医大爱思唯尔的服务已覆盖全国26个省市,建立了200余家培训基地,并为80余万名医护人员提供了高品质的继续医学培训服务,医大爱思唯尔已成为国内最有影响力的继续医学教育提供者之一。医大爱思唯尔深信,在新的环境下,医大爱思唯尔将展现新的身姿,以专业、创新和迎合需求的服务与产品,继续引领潮流、不断开拓创新,为广大医务工作者提供最高质量的继续医学教育。 Beijing Medtime Elsevier Education Technology Co. Ltd.(Medtime Elsevier), is a joint venture between Peking University and Elsevier, dedicated to providing professional medical education. Elsevier is an integral partner with the scientific, technical and health communities, delivering superior information products and services that foster communication, build insights and enable individual and collective advancement in scientific research and health care. Medtime Elsevier is an independent organization under Peking University Distance Learning School, delivering highest quality continuing medical education, in order to meet the demand of the healthcare professionals to improve their skills and performance. Backed by the superior professinal resources of Peking University, Medtime Elseveir introduced Elseviers’ management experience and accumulated knowledge bank, through “combination of internet, satellite and on-site training model”, delivering interactive,relevant and high quality training programs to the healthcare professionals. The programs include CME credit program,comprehensive medical training, specilized CME training and various tailor made programs. The service and learning support helps the learners have a professional, easy and interactive learning experience. Based on the 10 years experience in distance medical education of Peking University, Medtime Elsevier covers 26 provinces and cities, with over 200 training bases and delivers continuing medical education to over 800,000 doctors and nursers and becomes one of the most influential providers of the continuing medical education. Medtime Elsevier will carry on with new products and services, with innovation, dedication and professionalism. 我们的愿景: 提供最高质量的继续医学教育 Our Mission: Delivering the highest quality Continuing Medical Education
岗位职责: 1. 全面跟进公司BD(Business Development)项目进程; 2. 参与公司PD(Project Development)工作; 3. 建立市场信息系统; 4. 执行市场调研分析; 5. 参与跨部门协调沟通等工作; 6. 负责统计公司业务进程及报表系统的完善; 7. 参与公司DM(Direct Mail advertising)文字编辑和校对工作。 任职要求: 1. 英语,医学相关专业;|(英语要求听说读写精通,专业四级以上水平) 2. 有相关工作经验者优先; 3. 良好的沟通能力和团队合作意愿; 4. 熟练使用office等办公软件。
公司为每位员工提供完善的福利保障,除五险一金外,包括商业保险以及丰厚的年假待遇。 以上岗位,根据个人能力不同,薪金定在2500-5000。
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